How to Make Perfect Potato Cheese Ball (cemilan)

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Potato Cheese Ball (cemilan). Hari minggu, biar gak bosen coba deh masak cemilan yang ssangaat mudah dan pastinya terjangkau 😅😅 So Yummy!!. Bagi yang suka banget kentamg kudu dicobain. #tutorial #cemilan #sederhana Konten #mamatir adalah bagian dari ceacil yg berisi tentang kami, para mama amatir, yg berusaha memasak cemilan dan makanan. Resepnya simple, olahnya mudah, dan rasanya juga yummy.

Potato Cheese Ball (cemilan) This is a step you can do ahead. Bikin cemilan sehat tapi enak banget, nih. Cheesy Potato Balls recipe with step by step photos. You can cook Potato Cheese Ball (cemilan) using 8 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Potato Cheese Ball (cemilan)

  1. Prepare 600 gr of kentang (pilih kentang yang bagus).
  2. You need 87.5 gr of keju cheddar kraft parut(1/2 keju cheddar craft kemasan 175gr).
  3. Prepare 3 sdm of / 1sachet susu bubuk dancow.
  4. It's Secukupnya of garam.
  5. Prepare 2 butir of telur.
  6. Prepare 125 gr of tepung terigu serbaguna.
  7. Prepare Secukupnya of air.
  8. It's 300 gr of tepung panir.

Cheese and potatoes, two ingredients that nobody refuses, come together in this exciting starter. You are sure to fall in love with these Cheesy Potato Balls, which are so crispy outside yet so soft inside. This yummy, cheesy starter is best had.. Potato Cheese Balls *Video Recipe*Flavor Quotient.

Potato Cheese Ball (cemilan) instructions

  1. Kupas kentang, cuci bersih, potong - potong lalu kukus hingga empuk.
  2. Haluskan kentang selagi hangat, lalu Masukkan susu bubuk dancow, keju dan garam secukupnya, uleni sampai rata.
  3. Bentuk bulat-bulat.
  4. Buatlah bahan pencelup. Kocok telur sebentar.
  5. Masukkan tepung dan beri air secukupnya dalam kocokan telur, tekstur celupan ini tidak terlalu encer tidak terlalu kental.
  6. Masukkan bola2 kentang dalam bahan pencelup.
  7. Gulingkan ke tepung panir sampai semua permukaan tertutup tepung panir.
  8. Jika sudah selesai semua, taruh di wadah tertutup dan masukkan kedalam kulkas minimal semalaman, agar tepung bisa set. Atau bisa juga di taruh ke freezer untuk stock cemilan sewaktu waktu ^_^.
  9. Panaskan minyak, lalu goreng sampe kuning keemasan. (Menggorengnya harus terendam semua ya / deep frying).
  10. Siap dinikmati dengan saus / mayonise, alias suka-suka sesuai selera. Tapi Dimakan gitu aja tanpa saus juga sudah enak ^_^. Selamat mencoba.

Potato Cheese Balls are an easy to make appetizer which are crunchy from outside and gooey and cheesy from inside. Well, Potato Cheese Balls are one such starter that becomes a star at every house party, get-togethers or birthday party and the plate is always wiped clean because of its gooey. Place cold mashed potatoes into a large mixing bowl. Add green onion, chopped bacon, garlic Place a cube of cheddar in the center and wrap the potato mixture around the cheese. Coat the potato ball in flour, then egg, then breadcrumbs.