17. Bolu Kukus Jeruk (Cemilan Simple).
You can cook 17. Bolu Kukus Jeruk (Cemilan Simple) using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of 17. Bolu Kukus Jeruk (Cemilan Simple)
- Prepare 70 gr of tepung terigu serbaguna.
- Prepare 1 sdt of baking soda.
- It's 50 gr of gula pasir.
- You need 35 ml of susu full cream.
- It's 50 ml of minyak goreng.
- It's 1 sachet of nutrisari jeruk/lemon.
- Prepare 2 butir of telur ayam.
17. Bolu Kukus Jeruk (Cemilan Simple) instructions
- Campurkan 2 butir telur dan gula secara merata..
- Lalu ayak terigu, baking powder, dan nutrisari. Aduk rata..
- Masukkan susu dan minyak, aduk rata. Setelah itu masukkan adonan ke cetakan lalu kukus selama lebih kurang 20 menit. Angkat & sajikan..