Recipe: Tasty Potato Cheese Ball cemilan Batita

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Potato Cheese Ball cemilan Batita.

Potato Cheese Ball cemilan Batita You can cook Potato Cheese Ball cemilan Batita using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Potato Cheese Ball cemilan Batita

  1. It's 2 buah of kentang uk sedang.
  2. It's 2 sdm of maizena.
  3. Prepare 1 sachet of susu bubuk dancow putih.
  4. It's 2 sdm of gula pasir.
  5. It's Secukupnya of keju quick melt.
  6. You need of Pelapis :.
  7. It's 2 sdm of terigu.
  8. You need 1 butir of telur (kocok lepas).
  9. Prepare secukupnya of panir.

Potato Cheese Ball cemilan Batita step by step

  1. Kukus kentang, lumatkan hingga halus, campur dg susu bubuk,maizena,gula. Campur hingga rata..
  2. Ambil adonan bulat2kan lalu isi dg keju quick melt yg dipotong kotak kecil². Lakukan hingga adonan dan isian habis..
  3. Lapisi bola kentang berisi keju dg urutan 👉 terigu👉 telur kocok👉 panir. lakukan hingga semua bola terlapisi panir..
  4. Goreng deep fry, sajikan..