Chicken mini sandwich. The Best Mini Chicken Sandwiches Recipes on Yummly Mystery Wraps, Green Peas And Broccoli Soup, Claudia Lamascolo. ASSALAM O ALAIKUM In today's video you will learn how to make chicken mini sandwiches
These chicken sandwiches are so clucking good. When you have a craving for a chicken sandwich, look no further. These are our favorite options for when you just need to satisfy that. You can cook Chicken mini sandwich using 19 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Chicken mini sandwich
- It's 6 lembar of roti gandum.
- Prepare 3 lembar of keju cheddar.
- It's 1 buah of timun iris bulat.
- Prepare 1 buah of tomat iris bulat.
- It's 3 lembar of Selada.
- Prepare of Bahn daging telur goreng.
- It's 1 butir of telur rebis,potong kecil.
- You need 1 potong of dada ayam rebus, potong2 kecil.
- You need 1 butir of telur kocok lepas.
- It's 1/2 sdt of garam.
- It's 1/2 sdt of kaldu jamur.
- You need 1/4 sdt of merica bubuk.
- It's 2 1/2 sdm of tepung roti.
- You need 1 1/2 sdm of tepung terigu.
- It's 1 siung of bawang putih, haluskan.
- You need of Minyak untuk menggoreng.
- You need of Tambahan.
- You need of Saus.
- You need of Mayonise.
Cajun Chicken Appetizers - Mini Open Faced Sandwiches. These Cajun chicken appetizers are mini open faced sandwiches, making them easy to handle and very well suited to serve as an. Crispy crunchy fried chicken sandwiched between two fluffy lattice waffle "buns?" Try this lightened-up take on the comfort food classic: oven-fried chicken on a four-bite mini waffle sandwiches. You can also use it that.
Chicken mini sandwich instructions
- Siapkan semua bahan, cetak bulat roti gandum (bisa pake gelas atau apapun yg ada dirumah yaa) sisa potongan jangan dibuang ya moms, nanti bisa dibuat puding rotiš.
- Campur semua bahan daging telur goreng (kecuali minyak goreng). panaskan teflon tambahkan minyak untuk menggoreng.
- Ambil 1 sdm adonan tuang kedalam teflon, bentuk bulat pipih. Masak bahan daging telur goreng hingga berwarna kecoklatan. Tiriskan..
- Tata sandwich secara bertahap, ambil 1 lembar roti gandum yg telah dibulatkan, tambahkan tomat, salada.
- Lalu tambahkan daging telor goreng, timun, 1 lembar keju cheddar.
- Tutup kembali dengan 1 lembar roti gandum, lalu tambahkan mayonise diatasnya. Untuk yg dewasa bisa ditambahkan saus.
- Chicken mini sandwich siap disajikanā¤.
View top rated Mini chicken sandwich recipes with ratings and reviews. Loaded Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Grilled Chicken Sandwiches, Grilled Chicken Sandwich With Tarragon Mayo Chicken sandwiches are so clucking good! Try our best chicken sandwich recipes, from classic chicken salad to decadent fried chicken towers and more. Get full nutrition facts for other Pierre products and all your other favorite brands. Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Meatball Mini Sandwiches.