How to Make Appetizing Lumpia rougut

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Lumpia rougut. Remember when frying the lumpia, put the seam down first - it helps to seal it better. Lumpia GS adalah lumpia khas Surabaya yg isinya terdiri dari rebung, wortel & ayam. Homemade - HALAL - NO MSG - So.

Lumpia rougut Lumpia is a Filipino word and it comes from the Chinese spring roll. This video will show you how to cook Filipino Lumpiang Sariwa with Fresh Lumpia Wrapper. This comprehensive tutorial should be able to teach you how to make. You can have Lumpia rougut using 15 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Lumpia rougut

  1. It's 100 gr of wortel parutan keju yg besar.
  2. You need 100 of buncis potong potong halus.
  3. You need 100 gr of ayam dada potong dadu.
  4. Prepare 20 lembar of kulit lumpia.
  5. You need 50 gr of keju parut.
  6. You need 1 batang of daun bawang rajang halus.
  7. Prepare 3 siung of bawang putih rajang halus.
  8. It's 1/2 of gendul bawang bombay.
  9. Prepare 15 gr of susu dancow putih.
  10. You need secukupnya of garam.
  11. You need secukupnya of gula pasir.
  12. You need 1/2 sdt of merica.
  13. You need 1 sdm of saus tiram.
  14. Prepare 3 sdm of terigu atau disesuaikan kekentalannya.
  15. Prepare 1 btr of putih telur untuk lem.

Indonesian Desserts Indonesian Food Diah Didi Kitchen Lumpia Menu Pudding Cheese Food And Drink Snacks. James and his friends become the targets of ridicule for the CREW, a bunch of thugs who have. Have you tried making your own Lumpiang Sariwa with Fresh Lumpia Wrapper from scratch? If not, chances are that you got intimidated with the procedure, or you have limited information on how to.

Lumpia rougut step by step

  1. Tumis bawang putih, bombay hingga kecoklatan, masukan ayam, masukan saus tiram, oseng2, kasih air sedikit, matangkan ayam..
  2. Masukan wortel, buncis, bawang daun, tambahkan air, tambahkan gula garam, merica, susu, masak sebentar.
  3. Masukan terigu yg sdh dicairkan (seperti bahan bala2), atur kekentalannya. test rasa, matikan. terakhir masukan parutan keju, aduk aduk..
  4. Setelah adonan rogut agak dingin, bungkus dgn kulit lumpia(tampilan seperti di pic utama). nah ini yg membuat kudapan ini kresss crunchy...yess kulit lumpia..😋.
  5. Tinggal digoreng dgn minyak sedang, agar kulit lumpia bagian dalamnya garing..
  6. Sajikan dgn saus dan mayones,,,maknyooos😁.

This lumpia shanghai recipe is one of the filipino recipes that my family love to cook specially during a party or get together with friends. Lumpia in Filipino are eggrolls wrapped stick of meat that are. With homemade lumpia wrapper recipe and special lumpia sauce recipe. Super easy to make and To Cook Lumpia Wrapper: Use a non-stick pan, over lowest heat. Spray the pan with oil or grease.