Recipe: Delicious Cinnamon roll with glaze

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Cinnamon roll with glaze. It turns homemade or store bought cinnamon rolls into the ultimate breakfast treat! This Cinnamon Roll Glaze seeps into the rolls making each bite absolutely amazing! Spread or pour immediately over cooled cinnamon rolls, pastries, pound cakes, or Danish.

Cinnamon roll with glaze You could stop there, but why not add a cinnamon roll glaze? It is really simple to make. It's melted butter, cream cheese, vanilla extract. You can have Cinnamon roll with glaze using 28 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Cinnamon roll with glaze

  1. Prepare of Bahan A.
  2. You need 230 gr of tepung prot tinggi.
  3. Prepare 50 gr of tepung segitiga biru.
  4. It's 50 gr of gula pasir.
  5. Prepare 1 btr of telur.
  6. Prepare 1 sdm of susu bubuk.
  7. It's 1/4 sdt of garam.
  8. It's 50 gr of mentega.
  9. You need of Bahan B.
  10. You need 1 1/2 sdt of fermipan.
  11. Prepare 1 sdt of gula pasir.
  12. You need 120 ml of air hangat (jgn panas).
  13. You need of Bahan olesan.
  14. Prepare 50 gr of mentega.
  15. Prepare of Bahan taburan.
  16. Prepare 40 gr of gula palm.
  17. You need 20 of gula pasir.
  18. It's 1 sdt of bubuk kayumanis.
  19. You need of Bahan glaze cheese.
  20. You need 150 ml of susu cair.
  21. It's 150 gr of cream cheese.
  22. It's 4 1/2 sdm of gula pasir.
  23. Prepare of Bahan glaze greentea.
  24. Prepare 100 ml of susu cair.
  25. Prepare 1 sdt of greentea.
  26. You need 4 sdm of gula pasir.
  27. You need 1 sdm of tepung pati jagung.
  28. It's 2 sdm of air.

These Cinnamon Rolls are soft, fluffy, cinnamony, buttery and crowned with a lavish amount of salted maple glaze. I fell in love when I tried these. I packaged up a batch of Cinnamon Rolls with Salted Maple Glaze, took them to work and was flooded with compliments and requests for the recipe. So when I discovered Cinnamon rolls for the first time, I was obviously quite excited, I mean soft cinnamon rolls drizzled with a sweet glaze, what can possibly go wrong there?

Cinnamon roll with glaze instructions

  1. Campur bahan B untuk menjadi biang.. Air yg digunakan jgn terlalu panas ya cukup suam2 kuku saja supaya ragi aktif, seperti gambar.
  2. Campur bahan A + bahan B kecuali mentega. Aduk hingga rata lalu tambahkan mentega uleni hingga adonan kalis..tutup adonan dgn plastik wrap, tunggu hingga adonan mengembang 2x.
  3. Sambil menunggu adonan mengembang, siapkan panci utk membuat glaze. Cara pembuatan glaze cream cheese : campurkan semua bahan lalu panaskan sambil diaduk rata sampai creamcheese mencair lalu matikan kompor.utk glaze greentea : campurkan susu+ gula+ bubuk greentea aduk rata, ketika akan mendidih tambahkan larutan tepung pati jagung dan air. Aduk kembali hingga mengental.
  4. Periksa adonan, bila sudah mengembang buang udara di adonan dgn cara dipukul2. Lalu taro adonan di atas talenan yg sudah ditaburi tepung. Gilas hingga melebar rata. Oles dengan mentega keseluruh bagian lalu taburkan campuran bahan taburan. Gulung dari bagian bawah ke atas..
  5. Potong adonan dgn menggunakan pisau. Kalau ingin potongannya bagus bisa menggunakan benang. Tata adonan dlm loyang / alumunium foil seperti yg saya gunakan. Diamkan lagi kurleb 20 mnit. Sambil menunggu adonan mengembang lagi. Panaskan oven dgn suhu 180°c dgn api bawah. Masukkan adonan yg sebelumnya dioles dgn kuning telur/ bahan oles instan. Panggang selama 25-30 mnit. Dinginkan baru tuang glaze yg diinginkan....

And so I had my first cinnamon roll at Cinnabon and trust me it exceeded my expectations. "After testing many recipes for cinnamon rolls I found that just about any home-made roll can be good if you have the right icing. In too many recipes the cream cheese flavor overpowers the icing. Use this recipe for decadent cream cheese icing on your favorite cinnamon roll and you won't be disappointed!" Light, tender and studded with pecans, these make-ahead cinnamon rolls are topped with a sugary glaze as soon as they come out of the oven. The unbaked cinnamon rolls and sugar glaze. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar evenly over butter.