Recipe: Delicious Nastar Klepon

and resep kekinian.

Nastar Klepon.

Nastar Klepon You can cook Nastar Klepon using 21 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Nastar Klepon

  1. You need of Bahan Kulit :.
  2. You need 125 gr of butter.
  3. Prepare 125 gr of blueband.
  4. Prepare 1 btr of kuning telur.
  5. You need 40 gr of skm putih.
  6. You need 1 sachet of susu bubuk.
  7. You need 250 gr of terigu segitiga.
  8. Prepare 50 gr of maizena.
  9. Prepare of Air endapan pandan/pewarna hijau.
  10. You need of Unti Kelapa (enten-enten) :.
  11. You need 200 gr of gula merah, sisir halus.
  12. It's 1 sdm of maizena.
  13. Prepare 175 ml of air.
  14. Prepare 1 sdt of garam.
  15. You need 1806 gr of kelapa parut.
  16. It's of Olesan :.
  17. You need 2 of kuning telur.
  18. You need 2 sdm of minyak goreng.
  19. You need of Air endapan pandan.
  20. It's of Taburan :.
  21. You need of Kelapa kering.

Nastar Klepon step by step

  1. Kocok butter, margarin, telur, susu bubuk, air endapan pandan (2mnt aja yah), sampai rata. Masukkan terigu dan maizena sedikit2, aduk rata menggunakan spatula yah..
  2. Bentuk bulat, isi dengan enten2. Oven selama 15mnt. Angkat..
  3. Setelah dingin, olesi dengan olesan (Saya mengolesnya cuma 1x aja), kemudian taburi dengan kelapa kering. Oven lagi selama 15mnt, angkat..
  4. Tralalaaa ready to eat (hehe).